
Home Birth Services
Though your labor, birth and immediate post partum care will occur at home, I will perform at least one home visit during your prenatal period. The day after birth and again during the next week, I visit you and the baby at home for post partum follow up care.

Herbs and Nutrition
I am familiar with many herbs, vitamins, minerals and foods that can be used in pregnancy to solve many different conditions such as water retention, blood pressure, insomnia, ligament pain, etc. I also have referrals to nutritionists.
Prenatal care is part of the package of services I provide when you hire me for a home birth, though I can provide you with prenatal care by itself. See "Your Prenatal Visits" here.

Lactation Education
Soon after birth I provide help with breastfeeding, which includes positioning, latch evaluation, examination for tongue and lip tie as well as referrals to a Lactation Consultant.
Considered Nature's Epidural, water is considered a beneficial component in home birth. During water births I employ an underwater Doppler to evaluate the baby's heart tones. See "Water Birth" here.

Loaner Tub
I have 3 inflatable tubs (two of which are Eco Pools) that can be loaned out for your water birth. Your responsibility is to purchase a plastic liner.
When your baby is born s/he is evaluated immediately for things such as color, respiration's and muscle tone. Then Baby is encouraged to breastfeed and in an hour or so the baby is weighed, measured and examined. See "What happens at a Newborn Exam" here.

Free Consultations
After our initial meeting on the phone, I offer free consultations in my office to meet in person and to answer any questions you may have about homebirth and midwifery.

If you have a PPO (not HMO) type of insurance, I can submit claims for reimbursement for prenatal care, labor and delivery, post partum and newborn care, among other procedures. How much your insurance reimburses depends on your plan, your deductible and the percentage of payment.

Placenta Encapsulation
Your baby's placenta provides hormones and nutrients, is an aide in milk production and a defense against Post Partum Anxiety. Animals eat their placentas as well as many cultures throughout the world. I can provide you with several sources for your placenta to be encapsulated. Call Jolene Reynolds (951) 392-7582.

Birth Certificate
I provide you with the worksheets, instructions and necessary documents to register your baby's birth, as well as instructions on how to get a Social Security card for your baby.

I can refer you for laboratory work, which routinely includes blood/urine examination, and cultures. I can also request genetic screening, through the CA Prenatal Screening Program or through private labs such as Sequenom, a company that does genetic testing. The Newborn Screen is also available.

Ultrasound referrals available. Ultrasounds are beneficial to verify the position of the baby and to detect abnormalities in the uterus, placenta, and baby.

Cord Blood Collection
I can collect cord blood and cord tissue which contain an abundance of stem cells. They that can be preserved in the event that they are needed later in life if the baby or a relative needs stem cell therapy.